Advanced Training and Education for Safe Eco-driving of Clean Vehicles

Intelligent Energy Europe STEER Programme

Studies show that eco-driving has the potential to make bus and tram fleets more energy efficient. The ACTUATE project will therefore develop and apply advanced training and education services for eco-driving of clean vehicles in the electric public transport sector. By supporting the introduction of safe eco-driving trainings, ACTUATE further exploits the additional energy-saving potential of clean vehicles such as trams, hybrid buses, trolleybuses and e-buses which will further promote their take-up.  more ....

How can you benefit from ACTUATE?
ACTUATE will provide a range of information material on training and promotion campaigns for eco-driving considering the special requirements of clean bus and tram fleets. This includes:

• dedicated driver training concepts for trams, hybrid buses, trolleybuses or e-buses equipped with supercapacitors,
• a starter kit and free e-learning courses for eco-driving for the four defined types of electric vehicles as well as
• golden rules for eco-driving

In addition, ACTUATE will publicise its evaluation results for energy savings and effects on driving performance generated solely through trainings (before and after comparisons).

Anyone is welcome to benefit from ACTUATE’s concepts for more eco-friendly driving. Sign up for the ACTUATE e-newsletter and do not miss the release of our publications and findings.

ACTUATE – 2nd project meeting in Leipzig, Germany
The ACTUATE partners met for the second time from 5 to 6 December 2012 and discussed their concepts for safe eco-driving trainings against the background of defined minimum criteria for the trainings. The project partner Salzburg AG presented already its training material for safe eco-driving with trolleybuses and reported about test trainings with the future trainers.  He will be the first partner to train its drivers from mid January on. Furthermore, the evaluation concepts of the partners were presented during the meeting in Leipzig. These evaluation concepts will be aligned to make the results from each training site comparable and to ensure a broad joint evaluation basis for the impact of the trainings. read more

We are pleased to inform you about the launch of our ACTUATE website. Please visit us at  and find basic information and promotion material about the project in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech and Polish. In the future you’ll find as well more news and the training materials for safe eco-driving of clean vehicles.